Thursday, March 12, 2009


I Love how there are just moments in life that catch you off gaurd, or that there is just so much happening at once and so many things to worry about and take care of that you want to scream and ripp your hair out( not that that would do me any good any ways)
Today was my day off so you would think i could sleep in today. guess again. not that i'm complaining, so don't think i am. i went to the bank deposited money. filled out forms for my student loans that i'm paying off( clear as mudd to understand those sheets, and mentally frustrating) Mailed it, went and selected classes for school that i'm gonna take. drove to Idaho Falls to put money in deni's bank money on dad's Home depot account, and the remainder of my paycheck in my account. now i'm checking up on my class schedule and books before i go cover someone elses shift at work for some extra cash in my wallet. but such is the life of an adult and i think i'm coping just fine. If i can make it through april i think i'll be sitting pretty and have fewer worrys. but i know that this is where i'm suppose to be and for that fact a way will be provided if i do my part.


Nana said...

Yes son, welcome to the adult world.Sometimes the stress makes me look forward to being back with Heavenly Father, no more stress,yeah.

Garett and Elaina Moore said...

that's true. but i also think that the way we handle the trials we are given adds character. I love the freedoms i have which i guess i have to pay for with the responsibilitys